Friday, August 26, 2005

Up for a Roman Bath anyone?

Today is Friday and we decided we had to get out of London. Way too many people there. Quick update on Thursday night in London. Jen wanted some fish and chips, a typical London meal. We went to a pub, tried out some beers, Jen get her fish & chips. Wandered around Traflager Square, some great night life. We thought about going to the pub nearby with people from the hostel but decided we just were not into that. Too many piercings and way past my bedtime. (We were in bed by 10 and that's when they were meeting up. I sound old, huh?!)

On to today...quick stop at Starbucks of course (it seems like there's more Starbucks here than in Seattle). Got to the train station and realized taking the train to Bath before 9:30 am was way too expensive (€97!) Decided to take the train to Windsor instead (which is on the way) and say hello to the Queen (but apparently she's in Scotland at the moment). Windsor seems like a really neat town and the Castle is very pretty. One comment on the British people - everyone I've talked to so far is incredibly nice! (Other than the train ticket sales agent here in Bath who just informed me that she is not tourist information.) After Windsor we got back on the train with a trip to Bath (SW England) as the train tickets were much cheaper after 9:30 and it was now after 9:30, and the lovely train ticket sales agent in Windsor was much much nicer than the lady in Bath, and she even managed to get us a RT London to Bath for a mere €43 or something. Got into Bath with no accomodations so walked around trying to find a place first. Apparently it's the last "Bank Holiday weekend" of the year so everything's booked up. Managed to find a nice place with a great guy at the front desk with lots of ideas of stuff to do. Real beds with our very own bathroom in fact. Only brought minimal stuff from London (left it all there) so tomorrow may be a bit grimy but I think it was worth it to come here. After getting checked in we wandered over to the Roman Baths, which are pretty cool but nothing I'd want to swim in nowadays, back to the lovely hotel, then over to "Mai Thai" for dinner, recommended to us by our fun hotel guy, but nothing like Thai food at home. It was ok though, other than when we made the reservation for 6pm they told us we had to be done by 7pm so we were expecting hordes of people, yet we were the only ones (in the lovely backroom they put us in) there! Hmmm, are they trying to tell us something?

Bath is a really neat town, it has a great park near the center which charges admission (only 95p though) but then you get to use their fun chairs and sit in comfort rather than getting your butt wet since it probably just rained. The river runs along the park. Not sure if this river smells like the Thames did in London but at least it's nice to look at. We wandered around a bit after going to the Roman Baths and there seems to be great shopping as well. We did discover that salaries aren't twice what they are in the US, at least according to a placement agency (or something) we walked by advertising various positions. I don't know how people afford to live here!

Now here we are at the Click Cafe or something after being shot down by the Bath train ticket sales agent. We just wanted some advice on towns to go to in Cornwall, but no luck.

Tonight we are going to go to some "Comedy Crawl" or something, and then maybe hang out at the pub on the main floor of the hotel. Hopefully meet some fun English people. I still can't get over how nice everyone is (other than the one mean lady).

Tomorrow we are going to maybe go somewhere in Cornwall but we need some warm clothes because it is so darn cold here!!!

One last thing...this is the first internet cafe with ports (or whatever) for my camera to hook up to, I could have uploaded some pictures, but no, I left it in London! Sorry!!


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